Thank you for contacting DRagonSTUDIOS!

We’re always looking for talented and passionate individuals, exceptional services, and investors to support our productions. Interested in potential opportunities? Please submit your details using the form below.

    Personal Information






    Zip/Post code*


    Professional/Service Details

    Are you submitting as an Individual or a Service Provider?*

    If Services, what services are you providing?

    Role/Position Interested In OR Type of Service Offered: (e.g., Director, Screenwriter, Editor, Production Assistant, Catering, Equipment Rental)*

    Availability (Full-time, Part-time, Specific Dates/If you are providing a service write NONE)*

    Relevant Experience (Briefly describe your experience or link to your portfolio/If you are providing a service write NONE)*

    Links to Previous Work (IMDb, Vimeo, YouTube, website, etc. If you do not have any listed write NONE)*

    Service-Specific Details (For Service Providers Only)

    Service Type (e.g., Catering, Equipment Rental, Transportation, Makeup/Hair Services)

    Location of Service

    Rate or Pricing Structure (If applicable)

    Insurance or Licensing Details (If applicable)

    Additional Information

    How did you hear about DRagonSTUDIOS?*

    Are you legally authorized to work in the country where DRagonSTUDIOS is based?

    Additional Comments or Questions:

    You are required to provide a form of identification to verify your identity before this form can be submitted to DRagonSTUDIOS. Please note that if the required identification is not supplied, the form will not be sent.